
Eva Boto -
Nočem, da greš (I Don’t Want You to Go)

Eva Boto is a Slovenian artist who has been active on the Slovenian music scene since 2011. A familiar face to Eurovision, Boto competed in 2012 with the song “Verjamem” where she came 17th in her semi final. Since competing, Boto has continued releasing music, including “Kdo Ti Bo Dušo Dal?”, “Na Kožo Pisana” and “Ko Najdeš Sebe”.


  • Tebi bi dala vse,

    dala bi dušo in telo

    in dala bi srce,

    nočem, da greš.

    Tvoje besede,

    tvoje besede vedno

    sladke so, kot med.

    To najboljše so laži.

    Tvoji dotiki,

    tvoji dotiki so kot

    ogenj, so kot led,

    na meni puščajo sledi.

    Preden vzameš me,

    daj mi obljubi,

    da nikoli ne spustiš me več.

    Danes ljubiš me,

    a jutri stopiš skozi vrata

    in pozabiš na vse.

    Le tebi bi dala vse.

    (Nočem, da greš, nočem, da…)

    Le tebi bi dala vse.

    (Nočem, da greš, nočem, da…)

    Tebi bi dala vse,

    dala bi dušo in telo

    in dala bi srce,

    nočem, da greš.

    Tebi bi dala vse,

    vsako pesem, vsako misel,

    vsako noč za te,

    nočem, da greš.

    Nočem, da greš, nočem, da…

    Le tebi bi dala vse.

    (Nočem, da greš, nočem, da…)

    Le tebi bi dala vse.

    (Nočem, da greš, nočem, da…)

    Tebi bi dala vse.

  • I would give you everything

    I would give my soul and body

    and I would give my heart

    I don't want you to go.

    Your words

    Your words always

    They are as sweet as honey.

    These are the best lies.

    Your touches

    Your touches are like

    Fire, they are like ice

    They leave marks on me.

    Before you take me

    Give me a promise

    To never let me go again

    Today you love me

    But tomorrow you walk through the door

    And you forget everything.

    I would give everything to you.

    (I don't want you to go, I don't want you to…)

    I would give everything to you.

    (I don't want you to go, I don't want you to…)

    I would give you everything

    I would give my soul and body

    and I would give my heart

    I don't want you to go.

    I would give you everything

    every song, every thought,

    every night for you

    I don't want you to go.

    I don't want you to go, I don't want you to…

    I would give everything to you.

    (I don't want you to go, I don't want you to…)

    I would give everything to you.

    (I don't want you to go, I don't want you to…)

    I would give you everything.

Listen up.

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