
Brunette - Smoke Break

Brunette is an Armenian singer, songwriter and producer. A big advocate for female empowerment, Brunette strives to use her music to show young girls in Armenia they can be confident and have a free voice. Although the Armenian music industry is small, Brunette’s fresh style of music is making waves in both Armenia and across the world.


  • My momma always says

    If I feel a little stressed

    I should take a little smoke break That wouldn't make a sense

    What difference would it make

    If my heart just fall and break yea

    I took a deep breath

    My last cigarette

    Your fingers moved across my skin

    Flexin and tappin smoothly

    Feel the love let it through me

    I move you as you groove me

    Every day and every night

    From good mems to the last fight

    Քեզ օդի պես ես շնչում

    Ծխի նման արտաշնչում եմ Սիգարետս ինձ խաբում ա Հարցերիս մեջ խճճում ա

    Ուր ես? ծուխը խանգառում ա Ուր ես? Էս ինչ մառախուղ ա Քեզնից հեռացնում ա

    My momma always says

    If I feel a little stressed

    I should take a little smoke break That wouldn't make a sense

    What difference would it make

    If my heart just fall and break yea

    Հե՜յ դու

    Որ վառվելով խմում ես սուրճդ

    Որ անտարբեր նայում ես շուրջդ

    Ասելիք չկա դու դատարկ գոռում ես

    Իմ խոսքից հետո ժամերով դու լռում ես Թող ինձ ազատ, ծխի պես չքվում եմ ես Ազատ, տես ոնց եմ գնում ես

    Տես ոնց եմ գնում ես

    Տես ոնց եմ գնում

    Հա մեկը չկա մեկը չկա պատմի, հիշացնի քեզ էն մեր հինը

    Ոնց էիր ասում, անընդհատ կրկնում, ուզում եմ հենց դու լինես իմ կինը

    Ու էլի հեռվից նայում ես դու

    Էլ չեմ ուզում իմը լինես դու

    Մտածում ես հետ գաս ու լռում ես դու

    Քեզ օդի պես ես շնչում

    Ծխի նման արտաշնչում եմ Սիգարետս ինձ խաբում ա Հարցերիս մեջ խճճում ա

    Ուր ես? ծուխը խանգառում ա Ուր ես? Էս ինչ մառախուղ ա Քեզնից հեռացնում ա:

    Oh You are afraid to hear my voice on the phone Yea

    You are afraid to admit that you're wrong Yea

    You are afraid to hear my voice on the phone


    You are afraid and all this time my mom was right yea

  • My momma always says

    If I feel a little stressed

    I should take a little smoke break That wouldn't make a sense

    What difference would it make

    If my heart just fall and break yea

    I took a deep breath

    My last cigarette

    Your fingers moved across my skin Flexin and tappin smoothly

    Feel the love let it through me

    I move you as you groove me Every day and every night

    From good mems to the last fight

    I breathe you as the air

    Exhale like smoke

    My cigarette is deceiving me Obfuscating in my questions

    Where are you? Smoke gets in the way

    Where are you? What a fog

    Deletes you

    My momma always says

    If I feel a little stressed

    I should take a little smoke break That wouldn't make a sense

    What difference would it make

    If my heart just fall and break yea

    Hey, you

    That drinking your coffee

    That looking around unaffected

    There's nothing to say,

    You're screaming for nothing

    After my word you are silent for hours

    Set me free, I dissapear like smoke

    I am free, look I am going

    Look how I am going

    Look how I am going

    Yeah, there is no one, no one who will tell you, will remind you of our old times,

    How you were telling, always repeating, "I want you to be my wife"

    And you look from afar

    I don't want you to be mine anymore

    You're thinking of coming back and you're silent

    I breathe you as the air

    Exhale like smoke

    My cigarette is deceiving me

    Obfuscating in my questions

    Where are you? Smoke gets in the way

    Where are you? What a fog

    Deletes you

    Oh You are afraid to hear my voice on the phone Yea

    You are afraid to admit that you're wrong Yea

    You are afraid to hear my voice on the phone


    You are afraid and all this time my mom was right yea

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