
Triquell - Jugular

Singer known for being part of Alter Soma. He left his teaching career to devote himself full-time to music. He is popular for songs such as "Jugular" and "Road Trip". He uses his _triquell Instagram account for professional portraits, selfies, concert appearances, and travel. He has amassed 30,000 followers.


  • Soc un moc podrit en un lloc avorrit

    Maquino atordit rere d'un menhir

    Poc em crec la realitat

    Falta honestedat

    Estic en captivitat

    Dissociant la veritat

    Però tu tranquil

    És millor riure's de la vida que morir vivint

    Tots abduïts

    La "movie" m'atabala però jo crec en el destí

    Una aparició m'il·lumina a mitja festa

    Fem alguna cosa que aquesta "party" apesta

    Papapara el paripé o em tiraré per la finestra

    Tranqui Triqui titu tranqui que ara això s'arregla

    Una revelació m'obre els ulls a mitja festa

    Aquesta cerimònia és avorrida i somnolenta

    I ara dinamitem la trama perquè deixi de ser un trauma

    La ridícula vetllada d'un sol ús i fraudulenta

    'Nem a encendre la metxa

    Canviaré aquesta festa

    La moguda és aquesta

    Incrementa la "music"

    Ja sents la potència

    'Nem a encendre la metxa

    Canviaré aquesta festa

    La moguda és aquesta

    Que ara arribo, Joe

    I te la lio amb la nova Triqui

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    A la jugu, jugu, jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bombtrack

    A la jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    A la jugu, jugu, jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bombtrack

    A la jugu, jugu, jugular

    Perseguint la nit buscant la teva intimitat

    Pura és eclipsada per un món esclavitzat

    No ballaré ofuscat per una "melody" trillada

    Al ritme de la "bachata", barata, ballada per papes i mames que no saben com cuidar-la

    Hem vingut a liar un "chicken" (Joe)

    S'ha escapat el teu pollastre (Joe)

    Deixa de donar la nota (Joe)

    Una ronda de "White Russian" (Joe)

    Una aparició m'il·lumina a mitja festa

    Fem alguna cosa que aquesta "party" apesta

    Papapara el paripé o em tiraré per la finestra

    Tranqui Triqui titu tranqui que ara això s'arregla

    Una revelació m'obre els ulls a mitja festa

    Aquesta cerimònia és avorrida i somnolenta

    I ara dinamitem la trama perquè deixi de ser un trauma

    La ridícula vetllada d'un sol ús i fraudulenta

    'Nem a encendre la metxa

    Canviaré aquesta festa

    La moguda és aquesta

    Incrementa la "music"

    Ja sents la potència

    'Nem a encendre la metxa

    Canviaré aquesta festa

    La moguda és aquesta

    Que ara arribo, Joe

    I te la lio amb la nova Triqui

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    A la jugu, jugu, jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bombtrack

    A la jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    A la jugu, jugu, jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bombtrack

    A la jugu, jugu, jugular

  • I’m a worthless stray in a boring place

    I act stunned behind a menhir

    I don’t believe in reality

    Honesty is lacking

    I’m living in captivity

    Dissociating the truth

    But you can be calm

    It is better to laugh about life than dye living

    Everybody abducted

    The movie flusters me but I believe in the destiny

    An apparition gives me light in the middle of the party

    Let’s do something that this party stinks

    Stop it or I’m going to jump out the window

    Be calm guy that everything is going to be fixed now

    A revelation opens my eyes in the middle of the party

    This ceremony is boring and somnolent

    And now we dynamite the storyline to finish the trauma

    The ridiculous evening is only for one use and fraudulent

    Let’s light the fuse

    I’m going to change this party

    The motto is this

    Increase the music

    You already feel the power

    Let’s light the fuse

    I’m going to change this party

    The motto is this

    I arrive now, Joe

    And I mess this place up

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    To the jugu, jugu, jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    To the jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    To the jugu, jugu, jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    To the jugu, jugu, jugular

    Chasing the evening looking for your intimacy

    Pura is eclipsed by an enslaved world

    I’m not going to dance obfuscated because of a trite melody

    At the bachata rhythm, simple, being danced by dads and moms that

    They don’t know how to take care of it

    We’re coming to make a mess

    Your mess is gone

    Stop being the center of attention

    A round of “White Russian”

    An apparition gives me light in the middle of the party

    Let’s do something that this party stinks

    Stop it or I’m going to jump out the window

    Be calm guy that everything is going to be fixed now

    A revelation opens my eyes in the middle of the party

    This ceremony is boring and somnolent

    And now we dynamite the storyline to finish the trauma

    The ridiculous evening is only for one use and fraudulent

    Let’s light the fuse

    I’m going to change this party

    The motto is this

    Increase the music

    You already feel the power

    Let’s light the fuse

    I’m going to change this party

    The motto is this

    I arrive now, Joe

    And I mess this place up

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    To the jugu, jugu, jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    To the jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    To the jugu, jugu, jugu, jugu, jugular

    Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb track

    To the jugu, jugu, jugular

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